In-laws are supposed to make life easier, right? Well, not in my case. This is the story of how I got my revenge on Linda, who thought she could get away with treating my eldest daughter, Tessa, like dirt.I have two daughters. Tessa is 10, from my first marriage. She’s kind, quiet, and always tries to please everyone. Sadie is 4, from my marriage to Grant, my current husband. Sadie’s the opposite—full of energy, always asking questions. Grant adores both girls, but Linda, his mother, well, she’s got a different story when it comes to Tessa.Linda is…how do I put this? She’s the type of woman who wants everything to look perfect on the outside. But if you scratch the surface, you’ll find someone full of judgment and coldness, especially toward Tessa. And the worst part? It’s all because Tessa isn’t Grant’s “real” daughter. For years, I tried to keep the peace. “She’s just old-fashioned,” Grant would say.
“She’ll come around.” But she never did. Linda made little digs at Tessa.Tessa, bless her heart, never complained. She just stayed quiet, maybe thinking it was her fault. But I saw it. I heard it. And it made me furious every time. Grant? He didn’t see it the way I did. He loved his mom and thought she was just being her quirky self.