A female churchgoer shared a story of a woman who visited the church and attended the service one Sunday but her body was covered in tattoos and she had all sorts of piercings. The person sharing the story believed the woman neither looked nor was dressed appropriately for church.
For the churchgoer, the place of worship has always been synonymous with modesty and reverence so she believed the tattooed woman didn’t belong there. The urge to tell her that was strong so she approached her after service and told her her looks wasn’t appropriate for the house of God, to what the woman replied, “How I look has nothing to do with you.”
These words made the churchgoer question her act. She wondered if she was right to feel the discomfort that stemmed from outdated beliefs rather than any real issue. She asked herself if the modern times brought the need to reconsider our assumptions about what is and what’s not appropriate to wear to church, the place where we reach to God and practice our beliefs.
The truth is that nowadays plenty of people express their creativity and personality through tattoos, so are we on the wrong to judge them for their way of self-expression?
The question that floats in the air is whether there should be a standard dress code for those who attend a service at the church and try to be closer to God by visiting his sanctuary.
Some people dress modestly because they believe they show respect for the sacredness of the place that way. Others, however, don’t think that our clothing matters because the faith is all about acceptance, compassion, and unity.